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Rule Book

The RCSA Rimfire Challenge, formerly known as the NSSF Rimfire Challenge, introduces individuals to the fun and excitement of shooting in a family-friendly format. All levels of competitors from novice to experienced will enjoy shooting Rimfire Challenge.

Shooters are required to compete using a rifle and handgun from any manufacturer in .22 Long Rifle caliber. The course of fire is to shoot 5 to 7 steel targets that are no smaller than 8" in size. The competitor will shoot 5 strings with one plate being designated as the stop plate.  The 4 lowest-scored strings will be totaled as your score. A competitor can compete in Open and/or Limited Divisions.

RCSA Rimfire Challenge competitions will include stages for both rifle and handgun chambered for .22 Long Rifle only.

For more detailed info regarding RCSA Rimfire Challenge please read the Rulebook below.

We look forward to seeing you all at a RCSA match!

Download RCSA Rule Book 2024 - Revised June '24.

RCSA-Rulebook-Change Log 2024 - Revised June '24


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