Why We Shoot RCSA Together!

Elsie and Mike Baker

By Elsie Baker

My name is Elsie Baker and my husband is Mike Baker However, we are also known to so many as “Lady Tarheel” and “Super Fan!”

Our competitive shooting began in 2016 when Mike started shooting SCSA and RCSA Matches at local ranges. He then decided to enter his first World Rimfire Challenge in 2017 at the Cavern Cove Range in Alabama. At this time, I had never shot anything, but enjoyed watching Mike and the other competitors whose ages ranged from youth to super senior. I met so many wonderful people at this match. It was like one big family and saw that anyone at any age could compete.

I remember so many competitors asking why I was not competing and I told them I didn’t shoot. Several of them stated “You will be shooting next year!” Well, when we returned home, I had Mike take me to the range and teach me how to shoot a rifle.

Since then, I have excelled at both rifle and pistol and Mike and I have traveled all over the US to compete in SCSA and Rimfire Challenge matches. In 2018, we both competed in the World Rimfire Championship at Lucas Oil. Unfortunately, this match was a bit difficult for a new Rimfire Challenge shooter and I vowed to not enter another match. However, we did shoot the World Rimfire match the next year in Arkansas and it was GREAT! We have not missed a World Rimfire Match since then!

The main reason we both enjoy shooting Rimfire Challenge is because there are different stages every time plus it is a sport we can shoot together. This discipline is family oriented and we love watching how the younger generation excels so well at it. Our shooting family is truly family and will always be a part of us. We love every one of them and to some we are known as Grandma or Grandpa or Uncle Mike and Aunt Elsie!

Presently, Mike and I are both primarily sponsored my Tandemkross and Mike is the Co-Captain of the Team. We also have several other secondary sponsors and without any of them we could not do what we love. We trust our eyes to Hunters HD Gold, our ears to Axil and training to our coach and mentor Steve Foster the owner of Creekside Custom Lasering. Our other sponsors are Steel Target Paint and Striplin Custom Gun Works who makes a great thumb rest for lefties! You would be surprised how hard it is sometimes to get a gun set for a lefthander…especially one who is right eye dominant.

Now we both are looking forward to shooting the 2023 World Rimfire Challenge at the Cavern Cove range in Alabama….because this is where it really all started for us!


  1. This looks like such a great sport. I have been forced into disability and I’m old too. This looks like something I could learn to compete in. Being that I am on a limited budget I started shooting rimfire about a year ago. I never knew what I was missing.
    I live in SE TN but there are not many steel target places to shoot around here. Is the World Championship open to spectators? I live about 1 1/2 hour away and would like to watch the pros shoot.


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